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Bachelor’s degree Program

(120 credits)

                                            First Year

Fall Semester                                               Credit Hours                                           

Basic Bible Old Testament I (Gen-Job)                  7.5

College Writing and Turabian Formatting               7.5


Spring Semester

Basic Bible Old Testament II (Ps. – Mal.)               7.5

Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity                         7.5


                                                                        Second Year

Fall Semester                                                  Credit Hours     

Understanding People                                           7.5      

Basic Bible New Testament 1 (Matt-Acts)              7.5      


Spring Semester

You and Your Bible                                                 7.5                  

Basic Bible New Testament 2 (Romans-Rev.)       7.5


                                                                        Third Year

Fall Semester                                               Credit Hours

Understanding Teaching                                       7.5      

The Triune God                                                     7.5                  


Spring Semester

Christian Ethics                                                     7.5      

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt                                7.5      


                                               Forth Year

Fall Semester                                                Credit Hours

Biblical Leadership                                                7.5                              

John                                                                      7.5                                                                                                                              

Spring Semester

Introduction To Church History                             7.5                             

World Missions Today                                           7.5      


  • All papers submitted must adhere to the standards set forth by All Christian Bible College

Books and Description of All Christian Bible Seminary Bachelor’s Program

Basic Bible Old Testament (1)

Text:  Through the Bible In one year

Author:  Dr. Alan B. Stringfellow

Publisher:  Hensley 1988

This course provides the “Milk and the Meat” of the Word of those who desire a greater understanding of the Bible and coverers the books of Genesis through Job.


Understanding People

Text:  Understanding People Ministry to all Stages of Life

Author:  Cheryl Fawcett, Ph.D.

Publisher:  Evangelical Training Association 2001

To truly understand people, we must combine the rigorous formal study of developmental issues with our own observations and thorough study of scripture.  This course helps the bible teacher enhance ministry skills to work with people more effectively.


Basic Bible Old Testament (2)

Text:  Through the Bible In one year

Author:  Dr. Alan B. Stringfellow

Publisher:  Hensley 1988

This course provides the “Milk and the Meat” of the Word of those who desire a greater understanding of the Bible and covers the books of Psalms through Malachi.


Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity

Text: Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity

 Author: Gary Newton

Publisher: Evangelical Training Association

This course will introduce the student to a logical sequence for helping new and /or seasoned believers to understand and apply the fundamental principles of spiritual growth in their journey toward maturity in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  A systematic presentation of spiritual growth principles will provide an invaluable resource for a lifetime of study

College Writing & Turabian formatting

Recommended Text:  College Writing Skills With Reading 10th Edition

Author:  Alan Langan & Zoe Albright

Publisher:  McGraw Hill 2019

Recommended Text: A Manual For Writers 9th Edition

Author Kate L. Turabian

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

The objective of this class is to equip and develop students in college writing and consequently to become better overall students.  Individuals will be introduced to the traditional five-paragraph essay and its variations along with the college-level finer points of grammar and punctuation.  This class will also provide both the application and understanding of proper Turabian Formatting.    


Basic bible New Testament (1)

Text:  Through the Bible In one year

Author:  Dr. Alan B. Stringfellow

Publisher:  Hensley 1988

Well-known Bible passages take on new dimensions when seen from the perspective of a sweeping panoramic view of the New Testament.  This course will cover the books of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Mathew through John and the book of Acts. 



Text:  You & Your Bible

Author:  R. Harris, Ph. D.

Publisher:  Evangelical Training Association 2002

Believers should be well-informed about the Word of God.  This course presents the inspiration and authorship of the Bible.  How it was preserved?  Why we believe it?  How to deal with its problems and critics?


Basic bible New Testament (2)

Text:  Through the Bible In one year

Author:  Dr. Alan B. Stringfellow

Publisher:  Hensley 1988

Well known Bible passages take on new dimensions when seen in the perspective of a sweeping panoramic view of the New Testament.  This course will cover the Pauline and Personal Epistle’s, Hebrews and the book of Revelation.


Text:  Understanding Teaching Effective Biblical Teaching

Author:  Gregory C. Carlson, Ph. D.

Publisher:  Evangelical Training Association 1998

A biblical approach to understanding the teaching ministry and its significant impact on the spread of the gospel of the 21st century.



Text:  The Triune God

Author:  Evangelic Training Association

Publisher:  Evangelical Training Association 2001

The personality and work of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is presented, and the biblical teaching of the doctrine of the Trinity is clearly expounded, which helps meet this generation’s need for confidence in God and a grounding in the Christian faith.


Text: Christian Ethics – In a Postmodern World

Author:  James P. Eckman

Publisher:  Evangelical Training Association, 1999

There is a difference between “ethics” and “morals”.  Believers who hold to a set of ethical absolutes have related to their culture in one of three ways:  separation, accommodation, or transformation.  This course entertains a synthesis of all three.


Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Text:  Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Author:  Robert Morgan

Publisher:  Evangelical Training Association Crossway Books  

Can Christianity be proven? This course answers the question, “Outside personall faith, is there any evidence to substantiate the claims of Christianity?” 


Text:  Biblical Leadership

Author:  Kenneth O. Gangel

Publisher:  Evangelical Training Association 2006

The topics in this course give priority to the areas church leaders must face in determining whether current leadership programs, approaches, policies, and functions are, in fact, resource-effective in accomplishing the goals Jesus established for the church.


Text: John

Publisher: Shepherd’s Notes – Revised Catalog 12/21

An introductory study of the Deity of Jesus through the miracles He performed, the words He spoke, and the testimony of the witnesses who knew Him!



Text:  Perspective From Church History

Author:  James P. Eckman, PH. D.

Publisher:  Evangelical Training Association 1996

A presentation of church history that gives a sense of perspective and an accurate understanding of the complexities and richness of Christianity.  The goal is to reinforce the believer’s conviction that the church will triumph!!


Text: Well Sent

Author: Steve Beirn & George W. Murray

Publisher: CLC Publications (can be obtained though ETA)

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of missions so that you will pray for, work for, and give to missions as well as inspire others to do the same.  From a biblical perspective, missions do not originate in human relationships.  Instead, missions begin with the Divine Initiative.



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