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Vision Statement

2 Corinthians 4:7

Our vision is to prepare and then offer a curriculum of structured Bible courses in such as manner suitable for use by the Body of Messiah. Our chief objective is to advance the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to be vessels of excellence in the service to Messiah in the fields of Christian Ministry and Education. Christian character and Spiritual Maturity are important objectives of these life-changing experiences in a structured class setting. The curriculum includes a broad range of subjects that are ministered with an approach of simplicity as well as with profoundness and provocative challenges to pursue a deeper understanding of God’s Word.

Church Pew

Doctrinal Statement


We affirm that the Scriptures give us the revelation of the eternal Godhead, who has revealed Himself as one God, existing in three Persons, even the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, distinguishable but invisible in essence; co-eternal, co-existent, co-equal in nature, attributes power and glory.  There is but one eternal Godhead, who is undivided and indivisible essence; and in this essence, there are three eternal distinctions, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

We affirm that the Holy Spirit is co-equal, co-eternal, and co-existent with the Father and the Son in the Godhead.  It is His ministry to convict and convert man as well as to reveal the Son and the Father to the Believer.  Since the glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit in all His glorious operations is working through all who believe in the Father through the Son.

We affirm that the Bible teaches the existence of angels as mighty created spirit beings, whose chief duties are to worship and serve God.  They are not a race, reproducing themselves, but are a company created to minister to the heirs of salvation.

 We affirm that sin entered the universe through Satan and then into the human race with the fall of Adam and Eve.  The Bible reveals the essence of sin to be and its tragic result to be death but also reveals God’s redemptive plan in Christ to make an end to sin for eternity.

We affirm that Scripture reveals that the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who always existed with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and who by His incarnation took upon Himself the form of man and became the God-man.  In the one person of Christ, there are two natures, human and divine, each in its completeness and integrity.  They are distinguishable but indivisible so that He is fully man and fully God.  It is this sinless union of divine and human natures that qualifies Him to be the only sacrificial mediator between God and man.

We affirm that the Atonement comprises the redemptive work of Christ, involving His crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, exaltation, glorification, intercessory ministry, and second coming.

We affirm that the plan of the atonement originated in the counsels of the eternal Godhead before the creation and fall of man.  It is being accomplished in time through the work of Christ and the benefits of it that are realized by man on God’s terms will continue for eternity. 


 Missions and Philosophy of Education

It is our desire to bring a good understanding of God’s Word within reach of everyone.  The Word of God reveals the God of the universe as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  It reveals who He is and how He deals with people and nations.  His Word reveals what we can expect from Him and what He expects from us.

It is our intent that All Christian Bible College help to produce fruitful results in the lives of people through the following principles:

  • To emphasize an unreserved commitment to the worship of the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

  • To submit to the Authority of the Holy Scriptures

  • To live a life of Holiness

  • To maintain high academic, ethical, and moral standards and behavior

Meet Our Team.

All Christian Bible Seminary Officers and Faculty


President: Dr. Mary C. Pippen, D. Min.

Vice President – Dr. Thomas F. Bryant, Jr., D.D.

Executive Administrator – Dr. William A. Rucker, D. Min.



Dr. Mary C. Pippen – Registration Dean

Dr. Thomas Bryant, Jr., - Academic Dean

Dr. Lawrence E. Mosley, Jr., - Resource Dean

Dr. William A. Rucker – Virtual Class & Program(s) Dean

Dr. Joseph Truss – Certificate Division Dean in Correctional Institutions



Dr. Lillie Bryant

Dr. Thomas F. Bryant, Jr.

Dr. Ernest Barnett

Dr. Edward Brown

Rev. Da’ Shun Burrell

Dr. Robin Scott Carrington

Dr. Isaiah Holland

Dr. Debra Guest

Dr. Lawrence E. Mosley, Jr.

Dr. William A. Rucker

Dr. Jacqueline Sheppard

Dr. J. D. Williams


100 Lemon Street, Central Islip, NY 11722


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